Friday, September 14, 2012

particularly the main event

I noticed a stark change in the way people in the poker community treated me after that bracelet win. Before, it felt like everywhere I went PokerSpot was like a shadow. I didn't really feel like I was accepted in "the clique". Several high-profile players were pretty vocal about their desire for me to just leave the poker community behind.

But after winning the bracelet, I was now in a very exclusive club of players who have proven in competition that they can win against the best poker players in the world. There are less bracelets than super bowl rings. And by downplaying the achievement and being pubicly critical of players who have crossed that golden line, other players in the WSOP club were somehow taking away from their own achievement.

There is definitely a big difference between a poker player who has one world series of poker bracelet and a poker player who has multiple world series of poker bracelets. In the public eye, there is probably a bigger difference between a poker player with a televised bracelet and a poker payer with an non-televised one. But however you look at it, it is a small club and there is definitely a difference between players with a bracelet and players without one... anybody who has a poker bracelet has to at least be given the respect of having a very small percentage goal and achieving it. And they are among a small number of players to actually know what it feels like to go through the reality soap-opera that leads to and follows the victory.

Poker is without a doubt the most complex game I have ever played and the hardest thing that I've tried to get truly great at. Most of my life, I had felt like a big fish in a small pond. I very rarely was intimidated or had the feeling like I was dealing with someone who was significantly more intelligent than I was. But that changed when I started playing competitive poker. The World Series of Poker, particularly the main event, is the biggest pond I've found. It is the ocean. And I am quite often at tables with players who make me think that they are thinking on levels that I didn't even know exist.

For all these reasons, I love poker. But after years of being in the industry and seeing the dark side of the game and the lifestyle, I can't escape the feeling that poker has turned from a rather small and secluded social problem to a HUGE social vice. Each day, the majority of the hundreds of thousands of real money players online will lose money. Unlike other forms of accepted social vices, none of that money is going to taxes to support schools. Very little of it is even going to minority of payers who CAN beat the game. No, the majority of the money in poker is going into the offshore bank accounts of the operators who have succeeded where I had failed a decade ago.

Being a highly-televised poker player, I often wonder how many college kids out there have dropped out of school because they were inspired by ESPN footage of The Crew. And now, long busted, are grinding away at a crappy job and trying to scrap together their next microroll. There's bound to be a few... when you're dealing with very small percentages of very large numbers, the result is still pretty daunting.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rings have been a fashion accessory for men since their first creation about 5

Rings have been a fashion accessory for men since their first creation about 5,000 years ago. They were first used as a symbol of union between a man and a woman in marriage to bind them together. Since that time men's rings have taken on a number of different characteristics, including some that have become a caricature of themselves.

An example of this is the pinky ring, that was adapted by Italian-Americans as a status symbol and become popularized through the movies. Another example is the over-sized ring worn by black pimps to show that they made it and they have control over their world. Other rings that have symbolism for men are the school rings, that are a right of passage for graduation from high school and college.

In that same line are the Super Bowl rings that are a trophy ring cherished by football players in the USA who win the ultimate football championship. Men's rings are a symbol of power, prestige, or achievement. As wedding rings they are a symbol of commitment. Men's rings can also be a choice of fashion. The choices are diverse and wonderful to explore.

There are men's rings for all four fingers and the thumb. However, unless you are the Grand Pooh-Bah or the Sultan of Arabia, we do not recommend you wear a ring on all fingers of the hand. That is reserved for times long lost. You can wear a ring on one (maybe two) fingers of each hand depending on why you wear them, what they symbolize, and whether they go together or not. If your ring finger is reserved on your right had for your wedding ring or your school ring if you are not yet married, then you still have your left hand to consider.

You might be able to carry off an extra ring on each hand depending on how it looks and what you do for your profession. If you hang on in the streets and make your money of the nearest street corner then feel free to adorn yourself with as many rings as possible. But for the average man, one ring per hand is probably the best fashion mode you can present.

We used to add a pinky ring as an option, yet it congers up images of the Italian Mafia and so forth which seem inappropriate for people who do not live in New Jersey or New York. The most current fashion advice is , the right-hand ring-finger is reserved for either a wedding ring (please make sure you pay enough to have a matched set of rings with your bride).

If not married use the school ring from high school, if you did not yet graduate college. Use your college ring instead if you did graduate university and use the Super Bowl ring instead of that if you happen to be a sports super star.

On your left-hand ring-finger this is the place where you are allowed the most personal expression of fashion, so pick a ring that means the most to you, whether it is an ostentatious gold diamond ring or a biker's skull ring, whatever turns you on, that is where you can wear it, and wear it proudly.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stan Jones

The Washington Redskins have been a powerhouse team ever since their record-winning season of two NFL championships from 1936 to 1945, and three Super Bowls from 1982 to 1991. They are the second most valuable franchise in the NFL, according to research by Forbes magazine. They have one of the most dedicated fan bases in the NFL today, and produced memorable players: Sonny Jurgensen, Darrell Green, Sammy Baugh, Stan Jones, and Art Monk. Of course, the commemorative rings presented to Redskin players as a token of reward for their hard-earned achievement are of great historical significance, and professional athletic significance. Every player on every NFL team today longs for the chance to both earn and wear one of these magnificent rings.

By fortune and perseverance, three of those commemorative Super Bowl rings have come into the hands of a private collector in the US. Plated in 18-carat gold, they include a diamond-studded football surrounded with white and red gemstones to commemorate the Redskin's colors. One of them proudly displays the Lombardi trophy, and another displays a Redskins helmet alongside a blank banner, on which a player could have had his named engraved. The process and history of acquisition of the rings, as well the names of the players to whom the rings once belonged, remains undisclosed. These stunning Super Bowl rings were presented to winning players and world champions of the Washington Redskin's 1982, 1987 and 1991 teams. For 12 golden years, the Redskins were coached by hall of famer Joe Gibbs. During those 12 years, Coach Gibbs took the Redskins to the Super Bowl four times, winning three out of those four attempts.

It is hard to describe or estimate the impact of Coach Gibbs, both for the Redskins and for NFL coaching history. The great Gibbs coached those 3 Super Bowls through 12 years, spanning 3 different NFL starting quarterbacks......Joe Theisman in 1982, Doug Williams in 1987, and Mark Rypien in 1991. The secrets of his strategy and wisdom to this day remain somewhat of a mystery. No other coach to date in NFL history was faced with such a challenging predicament: craft and shape 3 different quarterbacks in multiple Super Bowls in the short time span of 12 years. This coach, a deeply religious man, made major contributions to the community of Washington, DC, as well as Maryland and Virginia. He remains one of the most respected coaches ever to grace Washington, DC., as well as the NFL.

"Lead by example

Think of the best boss you have ever had in your adult work life. Now what are the top three reasons you said this is your best boss? If you are like many you answered with statements like:
"Lead by example
"Encouraged everyone
"Rewarded fairly
"Held me accountable
"Empowered me
Now either go see or call this person (do not email) and tell them you just thought of him/her. How do think they will feel when you tell them this? Pretty awesome I would think.
These are just a few of the things employees said are important to them. What is interesting is that these are leadership traits and not management traits.
When you take a training class what are you looking to learn? Many of us want to learn 'the how' to do the things in our jobs "" which translates into managing things.
Have you ever given thought to what your team members look for and are they getting what they expect. Leadership from the top down in essence dictates the culture of an organization. If the leadership is empowering then this will breed future leaders that too empower others.
On the other hand if the organization is one that keeps a stronghold on everyone then that too will result in breeding future leaders of the same style. Think about it this way. Have you ever noticed how much a child resembles the parent? Not just in physical appearance either. This includes mannerisms and communication styles.
Here are four quick tips on breeding a successful legacy in your organization:
1.Treat everyone fairly "" and fairly does not mean equal "" it means fairly. This is one of the strongest ways to build a respectful team and a respectful team is generally a trusting team.
2.Lead from a position of integrity "" How do you expect to breed others if you are not leading the pack. This goes beyond walking the walk "" it means you must live the part you are portraying. This means be consistent between word and deed at all times.
3.Develop the right track for everyone to run on "" Have you ever had an employee that shared in the vision but could not perform at his or her position? Get the right person into the right job and do it fast.
4.Show a genuine interest in your team members "" Everyone likes to have some attention shown to them. This means that even if you are not the extroverted leader develop the skill set to make sure the employees know you care about them on every level.
If you are lucky you will be like the legendary San Francisco 49er head coach Bill Walsh. When he was asked about his career he said he was proud of his super bowl rings but he was even more proud of the number of head coaches he developed over the years.
One day five years from now you could be sitting at home and answer the phone. The voice on the other end says, "Hey boss "" I just read an article about best bosses and when I thought about my best boss I thought of you and wanted to just give you a call and tell you how much I appreciated everything you did for me back in 2007." Imagine that"
Contact Gregg today and see how his keynote speeches and breakout training sessions can help your company or organization.

Monday, September 10, 2012

sandblasted finish or decorative milgrain edge

Did you know that if you went back 125 years, you would have a hard time finding any many wearing a wedding band? In fact, it was even uncommon back then to find a woman wearing a special ring to signify her marital status. It wasn until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution that the wedding ring started to become fashionable, and even then they were nothing but plain gold or silver bands. So you can imagine how much longer it took for men designer rings to be introduced, but today they are one of the fastest growth areas in the jewelry industry.

Men designer rings arose out of a man desire to show his social status, affiliate himself with a "clan", or be recognized as having earned a certain badge, or honor. For many decades, men rings were treasured not because of their inherent beauty, but rather because they recognized a man achievement in life. Even today, evidence of this heritage lives on in the form of Super Bowl rings, college rings, Masonic rings and rings that bear the symbols of the U.S. Armed Forces. However, the men designer rings that are available today are not tied to any organization. Most are worn to do more than celebrate their marriage; they can also reflect a man personal taste or his station in life.

Ever since the end of World War II when economic policies promoted the growth of the American middle class, rings became more popular among men. And since then they have transitioned from a simple gold band to much more elaborate designs. And because men can be so much harder on rings than women, men designer rings are now available in durable metals like platinum, titanium, palladium, tungsten and stainless steel.

Looking at today collections of men designer rings, it is possible to purchase rings in every imaginable size and shape. The most popular styles have a beveled edge, engraved face, hand-woven texture, sandblasted finish or decorative milgrain edge, but there are dozens of other designs to choose from. Men designer rings are also made to be more comfortable than ever before. Some of the top designers offer a "Comfort Fit" style that has a curved inside edge. This helps the ring feel more natural on the finger so its comfortable enough to wear all day long.

Another thing that has changed over the years is the way men shop for rings. It used to be that if you wanted to buy a ring, you went to your local jeweler, but today men find that the selection of men designer rings on the Internet is much better, and so are the prices. Web sites that specialize in men rings enable customers to shop by metal, price, designer and style, so you can quickly zero in on the perfect ring.

Kobe is certainly worthy of recognition is based on the rankings to gain momentum in

Today, Bryant is accompanied by age and injury problems, troubles, these two factors led to the "Flying Man" is no longer able to maintain its super-explosive, it is no longer the once unstoppable player. Even if he can adapt to the tempo, but also need to constantly adjust their body to maintain the offensive efficiency in the playoffs. With LeBron - James and Derek - Rose in the past two seasons have won the MVP honors, Bryant probably would no longer be considered beyond that two players deserved the MVP. Why do so many Lakers fans, however, refused to admit Kobe is no longer the league's players? Probably due to the following: Kobe Bryant is still the best league in the key man, he has five championship rings, but no-one basketball with his profile of the persistent hard attitude. But in recent player list which ESPN, Kobe Bryant had dropped to seventh place, with such a young player than Durant, "Flying Man" is higher. But this is really an indisputable fact, Bryant last season, averaging 33.9 minutes of playing time to get 25.3 points, this is his lowest since the 2003-04 season points.

Kobe is certainly worthy of recognition is based on the rankings to gain momentum in, as fans and reporters thought it was, "Flying Man" is not willing players in the game were unknown. But one thing worthy of recognition, that is Kobe Bryant in the NBA playing career in 1311 games, a total of 48,310 minutes of time, is still also the top ten, this certainly is an honor, because very few players in such a long time can still maintain a high state. One thing is that no one can deny the fact that Kobe's game determination, experience and advances in the finals of the basketball skills that he failed to make the playoffs in 2011 which won the victory, the NHL Jerseys of the playoffs this year, so the "flying Man "seems so strange. Although he still played with a left ankle injury in the fourth quarter wearily dragged the body in the field to play, but Bryant's game determination and talent can not make up for the Lakers are still exposed by a variety of loopholes. Perhaps this very quiet offseason will make Bryant's right knee has been restored, let him remain in the next season in better shape. But at least this time now, Bryant has been dominant in the NBA is the past tense, Lakers fans probably will this argument is very angry, but they should feel proud that their favorite star basketball in such a long career, which still maintains such a good state.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

the reason is we not take our lovely Air Max Shoes in good care.

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When I worn my Nike Air Max Shoes, the seller told me that this nice Air Max Shoes is not waterproof, but I not listen to this advice, wear Air Max Shoes felicity boots to the coastal beach frequently, so my favorite Air Max Shoes angry now. The most important tips you need to obey is that we must use them as the Air Max Shoes instructions tell we to do. My favorite Nike Air Max Shoes is get damage, my Air Max felicity boots, oh my god, what happen! May be most of you have the same angry as me, but I admit that this is our fault, the cheap Air Max Shoes sale online definitely to be a high quality, the reason is we not take our lovely Air Max Shoes in good care.

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In yesterday's interview, which, Nike Air Max although the McHale said something, "We are very happy to see him return to the basketball court and back to our team." And so out of courtesy, but he also made it clear that "all on the premise that his foot must be completely recovered.

Now my power was restored by 30%." Recent interview, Yao Ming said his injury recovery is not optimistic, but He was not sure if I fit a new system of new coach Kevin McHale, "in my program, championship rings are not the most important. Air Max Running Shoes the next 10 years, my main consideration is to take care of my family, continue to make their own community contribution.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

which looks like a fish

The first appearance of rings, worn as jewelry, was during the Medieval period of history. Up to that point jewelry was confined to being worn around the neck or about the wrist and was a status symbol of wealth and station in life. Rings, however, could be worn by all the populace regardless of their money or position.

The first rings were made from crude materials which included iron. Later, the art of making rings was more refined and the use of copper, silver and gold came into play. The first rings were simple and without adornment. It was sometime in the 14th century that ring makers began using faceted jewels.

Although rings were not a symbol of status they did become a statement of religion, fidelity and culture. Early Christians were known to wear rings that were fashioned with the Greek Icthus, which looks like a fish, showing their devotion to God. Catholic nuns wear a plain gold band as a sign of marriage and commitment to their Savior.

Certain materials used in rings have become associated with specific cultures. For instance, the Native Americans create their jewelry, especially rings, out of silver and turquoise. This started because the early craftsmen were from the Southwest tribes and these elements were in abundance.

Gold has become the symbol of love and is the main ingredient in rings that are intended for weddings, engagements and other romantic ventures, even special friendships. Rings are used to commemorate almost anything from the wearing of the birthstone to rewards for jobs well done, example the Super Bowl rings.

There are usual rings that have great meaning. The Irish Claddagh is one of those. Fashioned with a heart for love, a crown for loyalty and two joined hands the Claddagh ring has become a beloved Irish tradition. Even the way it is worn sends a message.

Friday, September 7, 2012

carbon fiber is prominently featured on the upper of this new shoe. So what is carbon fiber

There is a new edition of the best Jordan Hybrid ever made now available. The "Carbon Fiber" Jordan 6 Rings has dropped. And, as the name implies, carbon fiber is prominently featured on the upper of this new shoe. So what is carbon fiber? Carbon fiber is made up of carbon atoms that are bonded together in crystals that are more or less aligned parallel to the long axis of the fiber. The crystal alignment gives the fiber high strength-to-volume ratio. In english, carbon fiber is considered the strongest, most durable material you can possibly place on the upper of a shoe. And it has become one of the most beloved attributes to ever be used on a shoe by a large number of sneakerheads.

There are also a large number of sneakerheads that consider Jordan Hybrids and specifically the Jordan 6 Rings to be unworthy of the Air Jordan name. These Jordan shoe fanatics don't consider this shoe to be the "real thing". Any Jordan shoe that consists of different elements of the shoes that Michael wore in winning his 6 NBA Championship Rings is certainly worthy of the Air Jordan name. This shoe is most definitely the "real thing". Different features of the Jordan 6,7,8,11,12,13, and 14 are used to create not only a sick looking shoe, but a high performance one as well. The prominent feature of the 6 Rings is the midsole and outsole that were both taken from the Jordan 13. There is no smoother, more stable ride in a Jordan shoe due to the use of the 13's midsole and outsole.

The first 6 Rings release of the year by Jordan Brand uses this beloved carbon fiber on an upper that is complimented by a white midsole and black toe box. The carbon fiber attribute is seen heavily just above the white midsole and the toe box in black. The midfoot features a black mesh-like material. Medium Grey is used on the outsole and back heel panel. The outsole of the shoe uses grey. In addition, the fuzzy Jumpman logo is standard on this shoe and was taken from the Jordan 8. On the Carbon Fiber 6 Rings this logo is done in black and grey.

The Jordan 6 Rings has been seen in a wide variety of materials in the the recent releases of the shoe. Full grain leather with laser print graphics, glow in the dark 3M leather, and Nike Foamposite are a few of the unique materials that have adorned the shoe most recently. Carbon fiber has now joined that elite list.

Whether you love or hate the Jordan 6 Rings, it is here to stay. There will be more releases of this Hybrid shoe. It is has become one of the most popular pairs of Jordan shoes for basketball. Well, popular may be a relative term. But there are enough sneakerheads that love this shoe to put it in the "popular" category.